Underappreciated Disney Films: Lilo & Stitch

Lilo: “We’re a broken family, aren’t we?” Nani: “No. Maybe a little. Maybe a lot. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” Lilo: “We’re sisters, it’s our job. I like you better as a sister than as a mom. And you like me better as a sister than a rabbit, right?” Whenever I bring up 2002’s “Lilo & Stitch,” most people in the room immediately exclaim “I love that movie!” But despite that it doesn’t seem to get the same sort of attention as other beloved Disney films. Due to its relatively recent release, it’s not a movie most people grew … Continue reading

A Blogging Mouseketeer

Working for Disney has long been a secret wish of mine, although I must confess that blogging wasn’t actually on the list of things I could do there! My real big dream job has probably now been replaced by technological advancements, which means that the animated movies are now in the hands of graphics geeks rather than old fashioned artists, so there’s probably not much call for someone to do the cell coloring anymore. A number of years back, to my great joy, I visited Disney’s MGM Studios on a day they were offering small classes in drawing Disney characters … Continue reading

Disney News: This is Disturbing

This news story came across my desk late last night and I have to say – I could hardly believe it when I read it. You may have heard this in the news too, the Disney Channel, a channel we put our faith in to provide our children, particularly our young children, with content that is as far from objectionable as you can get. Last Tuesday morning, at 9:30 a.m., toddlers and other young children tuning in to watch an episode of “Handy Manny” discovered a film depicting hardcore pornography. According to Comcast, the cable company that experienced the interruption … Continue reading

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse – Review

What is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse? It’s a relatively new children’s television series from Disney that began premiered on May 5, 2006. New episodes air on Saturdays and Sundays and it is part of the Playhouse Disney weekend line up. Fans of the classic Disney characters such as Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy and Pluto, will enjoy the programming that is designed to interact with the young viewers. My daughter is a huge fan of the show and asked if I’d add it to our TiVo so she can watch it during the week. The show engages the viewers by involving … Continue reading