The Best of YouTube: Disney Edition

How about a little silliness for a Friday? In the tradition of my recurring Pets blog posts on the best of animals on the internet, today I’ve done a round-up of the best Disney-related videos on YouTube. I’m not talking clips from films or music videos made with Disney soundtracks, but the best moments from the parks, song covers, and more. I’ll start off with the first series of videos that inspired this post. Actor Darren Criss has become famous for his role as Blaine on the television show “Glee,” but his internet popularity started before that. On the ‘net … Continue reading

Disneyland’s World of Color

Tonight Disneyland premieres a beautiful new exhibit called the World of Color. Playing exclusively in the evening, World of Color is a high-tech water and light show celebrating the magic of Disney. Powered jets shoot water up to 200 feet above spectators’ heads, and rotate to let the water dance amidst colorful beams of light. Within the water and light play scenes and clips from famous Disney films, all set to music. The type of music isn’t specified, but a New York Times profile on Bob Iger mentioned he tweaked it to sound more contemporary. Frankly I’d be surprised if … Continue reading

Disneyland to Geek Out?

When I mentioned last year’s Disney fan convention, D23, I said it was like Disney’s answer to Comic-Con. I realized that some of you might not know what Comic-Con is. Comic-Con started in the 70s as a relatively small convention specifically for fans of comic books (hence the title). As the years went by other media appealing to the comic crowd, like science fiction and fantasy television and movies, were added. Forty years later, with geek properties firmly ensconced in the mainstream thanks to the popularity of fantasy and comic book movies like “Lord of the Rings” and “X-Men,” Comic-Con … Continue reading

D23 Expo Headed to Japan

D23, the official Disney fan club, just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  Tickets are already on sale for the much-anticipated D23 Expo in August, and the club just announced another huge convention for 2013, this one abroad.  The D23 Expo is hitting the road, and will come to Japan on October 12-14, 2013. The D23 Expo Japan will not just be a carbon copy of the one held in Anaheim months prior.  Although there will be a lot of overlap, in merchandise and in smaller events, the Japan expo will be unique.  It’ll be held mostly in Japanese, with events … Continue reading

Finding Fantasyland Website Mini-Game

Now that Fantasyland is about to debut, I received an email in my Inbox: an invitation to take a Hero’s Journey to discover the new Fantasyland.  This was per my sign up from the New Fantasyland website. Taking the Hero’s Journey doesn’t tell us a lot about the new Fantasyland, but it’s a cute story nonetheless.  Visiting the site sucks guests into the story, telling about how the villains came to Fantasyland, stole powerful talismans, and obscured them with their magic (which just so happens to take the shape of a big puffy purple mist, just like in Disney-ABC’s “Once … Continue reading

A Year in Disney Fandom: D23 Events for 2013

Any D23 members wondering what will be on the official Disney Fan Club’s schedule for 2013 don’t need to wait any longer.  The official D23 website and the official Disney Parks blog have both posted announcements of the fan club’s 2013 events. The most exciting news to come out of D23 for 2013 is the announcement of a second year of Fanniversary.  The event, which is open to the public (but D23 members get first registration), is a must-attend celebration for any Disney fans.  It’s hours spent reveling in the best of Disney movies, history, park attractions, and more.  Special … Continue reading

Girl Removed from Disney World for Dressing as Tinker Bell

Disney loves to encourage devotion or obsession among its fans. That makes it mind-boggling, then, that last week a girl was kicked out of Disney World for wearing a Tinker Bell costume. The justification park execs gave? Her costume was too good. Tampa Bay Online has the details. Fifteen-year-old April Spielman worked and saved for over a year in order to afford tickets herself to Disney World. She also put a lot of dedication into creating her own rather realistic Tinker Bell costume. The plan was for her and her boyfriend to go to Disney World on their own money … Continue reading

Two “Epic Mickey” Sequels in the Works

It seems that despite some gamers’ somewhat reserved opinions (including my own) Disney Interactive has decided that “Epic Mickey” was, well, epic enough to deserve not one but two sequels. In fact, “Epic Mickey” will follow in the footsteps of the other most famous, or at least the most popular, Disney video game: “Kingdom Hearts.” After KH’s release it was succeeded by two more games: a proper sequel out on its same platform, the PlayStation 2, and a smaller game bridging the two larger ones made for Sony’s handheld device. Gaming website IGN has details on the two games. The … Continue reading

Epic Mickey: Fun, But Not “Epic”

“Epic Mickey” for the Wii is a fun game that, despite its enjoyable game play, still manages to be mostly a tale of wasted potential. I say this from two points of view: both as a gamer thrilled by the early edgy concept art, and as a blogger for a family website determining its appropriateness for children. Nothing in “Epic Mickey” should frighten either the kids playing the game or their parents questioning its suitability. It’s not too scary or violent; in fact, the morality system allows for a non-violent option when facing enemies. Mickey wields a paintbrush and with … Continue reading

Explore the Disney Universe

One of my favorite party games is called “Smash Brothers.” It’s a Nintendo game wherein players control various famous characters from across the company’s franchises in a series of knock-down drag-out battles. I find getting to control Yoshi one minute and Link the next more enticing than Nintendo’s other common multi-player games, such as any of the sport or arcade games featured on Wii Play. Anyone who’s read my Disney blog for a while knows that my favorite video game is “Kingdom Hearts,” and no small part of that is because during it I get to play and interact with … Continue reading