Voyage of the Dawn Treader is Coming

Variety magazine is reporting that Walden Media and Disney will be taking The Chronicles of Narnia franchise to Mexico for their next film. That means that following The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian, Disney and Walden Media will be making a third film, but which Narnia will they tackle next? Voyage of the Dawn Treader The third film is moving to Mexico because they need soundstages with a large water tank. The Dawn Treader for those who remember the books is a ship and a great deal of the action takes place aboard it. Director Michael … Continue reading

Stardust (2007)

A few years ago, I went into the bookstore and what to my delight should I find, but a new Neil Gaiman novel. Now you may not have heard of Neil Gaiman and if you haven’t, well I have a few books of his that I could recommend and I’ll link them below. For now, I want to talk about the film Stardust based on the novel of the same name. Stardust is rated PG-13 for some fantasy violence and risqué humor, but the risqué is just that and it’s not toilet humor. First and foremost, Stardust is a fairytale. … Continue reading