A Study in Princesses: Careers Coda

You need more than just him in your life, Ariel Today I’m going to add a tongue-in-cheek coda to my otherwise serious series on the Disney Princesses. If most of these princesses should have had something other in their lives than their men, what should those things be? I’m going to posit alternate endings to most of the films; mainly, recommendations for the careers into which the Disney Princesses ought to have embarked instead. Some suggestions might be a bit sillier than others. “Snow White” – One thing Snow White did excellently was to get those dwarves to come out … Continue reading

A Study in Princesses: Rapunzel and Beyond

Today we come to the last of Disney’s Princesses, at least those who exist so far. With “Tangled” our lead is yet again a princess, but as in the previous movie it’s ancillary. Like many other Disney heroines before her Rapunzel just wants to experience new things in the world, though she has the greatest justification for her desires. Her goal develops along the way; once she learns the truth of her past she wants to reunite with her parents, and not because they’re royalty. Rapunzel wasn’t a little girl who grew up hating her circumstances and wishing that secretly, … Continue reading

A Study in Princesses: Giselle and Tiana

In the penultimate part of my piece on the Disney Princesses, we watch the House of Mouse strike out before finally starting to get it right. “Enchanted” is a tricky movie to critique because it’s mostly a spoof. For the majority of the movie Giselle is a parody of her predecessors, particularly those from the Golden Era. Hidden behind the laughs in “Enchanted” is a fantastic message (though one that gets sloppy when characters start vocalizing it): don’t just marry the first guy you meet. Spend time getting to know first yourself and then him. Learn what true love really … Continue reading

Girl Removed from Disney World for Dressing as Tinker Bell

Disney loves to encourage devotion or obsession among its fans. That makes it mind-boggling, then, that last week a girl was kicked out of Disney World for wearing a Tinker Bell costume. The justification park execs gave? Her costume was too good. Tampa Bay Online has the details. Fifteen-year-old April Spielman worked and saved for over a year in order to afford tickets herself to Disney World. She also put a lot of dedication into creating her own rather realistic Tinker Bell costume. The plan was for her and her boyfriend to go to Disney World on their own money … Continue reading

Princess John Carter of Mars

This is the story of a guy called John Carter. He’s a protagonist from a series of Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction novels. The first is called “The Princess of Mars” because the book is as much about Dejah Thoris, the titular princess, as it is about Carter. Today Disney releases its adaptation of the book, called “John Carter.” Wait, what? “John Carter” sounds like an Oscar-bait movie about an unassuming middle management guy who has a mid-life crisis and learns the meaning of family, or something like that. It definitely doesn’t bring the genre “space epic” to mind. So … Continue reading

Rapunzel Inducted into the Disney Princess Royal Court

I hadn’t realized the Disney Princess craze went just this far, but apparently it has, with the Disney Princess Royal Court. At first glance the phrase is just a title under which Disney’s many princesses fall. However, it’s used in a much more specific way: to identify the 10 princesses – Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Mulan, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Tiana – whom have been officially welcomed into the royal court. Disney holds an actual ceremony in real life, using the cast members who play the princesses at the parks, to add new members to the royal court. … Continue reading

Learn While Lazing at Aulani

Last time I looked at Aulani, Disney’s newest (and first) resort in Hawaii the details were still conceptual. Now that Aulani prepares to open its doors at the end of August, it’s time to take another, much more definitive look at what’s sure to be one luxurious hotel. Over the past few months the Disney Park blog has published several sneak previews of the resort. I’ve browsed through many of the recent ones to present a more rounded picture to bring to you today. Aulani will be open to the public and will also contain lodgings exclusively for Disney Vacation … Continue reading